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September 23, 2019

Newsies Cast Reunited for Framingham Back to School Picnic

Members of the cast of our recent production of Newsies had the privilege of performing at this year’s Second Annual Back to School Picnic, which took place earlier this month at Bowditch Field in Framingham.

Organizations, businesses, outreach programs, and fellow performing artists were present and celebrating the day together with local families. A Common Thread Theatre was one of 4 groups to perform that day.

Despite windy weather and an early end to the event due to concerns about the EEE virus, the event proved to be a success! The cast members were thrilled to be reunited, performing World Will Know and Once And For All (some of the most memorable songs from Newsies) to an energetic and supportive crowd. Although the entire cast was not able to be present, those who performed sang with the same energy, power, and commitment that they had four months prior. What an awe-inspiring cast and what a wonderful way to start the school year!

A Common Thread Theatre wishes to thank the organizers of the picnic for inviting us to participate, and we look forward to being a part of this wonderful community event next year!  


Photo Credit: Grace Mack

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